Bristol Beaufighter – Sliema

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Sep 152012


Wreck History:
The Beaufighter was introduced into Coastal Command as a strike fighter, where its gun armament was retained but rockets and torpedoes were added giving it an even greater fire power. The 5562 Beaufighters that were produced earned a considerable reputation in the Middle and Far East. After its withdrawal from operational use many Beaufighters were converted to target tug duties and in fact the last flight of the type in Royal Air Force service took place on 17 May 1960 when a TT10 made a final target towing flight from Seletar

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Blenheim Bomber – MarsaScala

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Sep 152012

Wreck History:
Throughout World War II, Allied resources and manpower were always at a premium. At one point a squadron of Wellington Bombers were stationed in Malta, but their long range was much needed elsewhere. They were eventually replaced by much small 3 man Mark IV Blenheim. Although there remains no doubt that it is indeed a Blenheim, this aircraft’s specific identity and call sign are yet to be established. Continue reading »